Thursday 4 November 2010

An Informational Article

It took me four months but I suddenly got some inspiration and it resulted in another Reflection 42 blog post!

This time the keywords are communication and social interaction. Read it here.

Friday 2 July 2010

Probable Blog Post

After some roundtrips back and forth between Cape Town and Malmö and now finally settling down for a bit, the next article for Reflection 42 could take its form.

Probabilities is the focus this time! Read the article here!.

Saturday 27 March 2010

Facebook of the Dead

A week in Italian ski slopes in Cervinia has refreshed my mind and resulted in some ramblings about what happens online after we die.

Read the article here.

Friday 26 February 2010

Chickens in a Nutshell

Working in Cape Town for a few weeks has delayed my next blog post on Reflection 42, but wait no longer! The infamous chicken and egg problem has been analyzed!

Read it here!

Thursday 21 January 2010

My Domain

I succumbed to the pressure of my ego and secured the and domains yesterday. The address has become the new address for this blog!

During the last weeks this blog has been starting to show its true side as my root blog. The root blog will be the center of my online presence, with links and updates for my other blogs, projects and profiles. Apart from the fact that I like tying everything together, one benefit is search-engine optimization.

Monday 18 January 2010

Tuesday 12 January 2010

Unique Article?

After some vacation in a cold place (-32.8C) I'm starting to melt again and my brain's synapses are starting to fire. This resulted in a rewrite of an old topic I wrote about in a project blog a while back.

Check the post on Reflection 42.